The Futures Workshop
The Futures Workshop
Episode Eight: Design Futures Workshop

Episode Eight: Design Futures Workshop

Exploring Jake Dunagan's "Create-a-Scene" tool in a practical setting

Welcome to our latest episode, in which we take the tool introduced by Jake Dunagan in Episode Seven, and try it out in a workshop setting.

Jake’s specialty is “experiential” (or “design”) futures and central to this is the Create-a-Scene tool, which uses various facilitation techniques to bring a future scenario to life. In this episode we imagine a dystopic “collapse” scenario, and then a more optimistic “transformed” scenario.

We’ve telescoped this workshop more than usual - spending less time on the administrative and practical aspects of the workshop (like thinking time and Post It notes), to give us more time to explore two different scenarios with this tool.

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The Futures Workshop
The Futures Workshop
A series of conversations with the world's leading futurists about how to use the tools they've created.